321. Markings Artist: Cha, Theresa Hak Kyung Classification: Artist's book Materials: Artist's book. Black ink on paper with a brown envelope paper cover bound by 5 white string ties. 5 pages. (2 copies) Dimensions: 12 3/4 x 9 in. Accession Number: 1992.4.55
322. Markings Artist: Cha, Theresa Hak Kyung Classification: Artist's book Materials: artist's book, ink on paper, with string Dimensions: 11 1/2 x 9 in. Accession Number: 1995.47.1
323. Mel Bochner Artist: Bochner, Mel Classification: Artist's book Materials: Artist's book Dimensions: 9 1/16 x 6 11/16 in. Accession Number: 2014.53.271
324. Mickey, or: Never Yell in a Burning Theatre! Artist: Rafal, Ethan Classification: Artist's book Materials: Paper, twine and risographs Dimensions: Book: 7 x 5 1/2 x 1/2 in. Accession Number: 2018.63
325. Milan Knizak. Some Documentary 1961-1979, 1980. Publisher: Edition Ars Viva!, Berlin, Germany. Artist: Knizak, Milan Classification: Artist's book Materials: Monograph. Wrappers. Text in German and English. 276 pages. Dimensions: 8 1/4 x 8 1/4 in. Accession Number: 1995.46.37
326. Mirror Piece Artist: Burn, Ian Classification: Artist's book Materials: framed mirror behind glass, signed statement, and artist's book comprising thirteen photocopied typed pages mounted on card, ed.26/35 Dimensions: Framed mirror: 18 3/4 x 12 3/4 in. Accession Number: 2014.53.67
327. Miss Vietnam and texts of other happenings (Nova Broadcast 2) Artist: Vostell, Wolf Classification: Artist's book Materials: Artist book. Staple bound, 39 pages. Dimensions: 8 1/2 x 4 1/2 in. Accession Number: 1994.5.74
328. Misunderstandings (A theory of photography) from Artists & Photographs Artist: Bochner, Mel Classification: Artist's book Materials: artist's book Accession Number: 1992.51.2.1
329. More than Meat Joy / Performance Works and Selected Writings Artist: Schneemann, Carolee Classification: Artist's book Materials: paperback book Dimensions: 8 3/8 x 13 3/8 x 3/4 in. Accession Number: 1997.35.22
330. Mr. Klein. Tom Elling & Lomholt Formular Press. 1979. Publisher: Galerie S:t Petri Archive of Experimental and Marginal Art, Lund, Sweden. Artist: Elling, Tom; Lomholt, Neil Classification: Artist's book Materials: Artist publication. Wrappers. Staple bound. Participants include: M. Scott, W.L. Sorenson, Albrecht D, U. Carrion, R. Crozier, J. Urban, K. Groh, K. De Jong, M. Nannucci, E.A. Vigo, and others. Unpaginated. Dimensions: 8 1/4 x 11 3/4 in. Accession Number: 1995.46.91