
Search Results

1. "Commemorating" Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, Muhamad Ali for providing the vision

2. "Meanwhile Back at Cadillac Ranch" by Anne Dingus

3. "No It Can"

4. "No It Can" for the Norton Holiday Project

5. "Route 66: The Mother Road" by Michael Wallis (with Cadillac Ranch on the title page)

6. # 166

7. # 309

8. # 92

9. 1 (Zeichenheft)

10. 2 (Zeichenheft)

11. 3 (Zeichenheft)

12. 51 Million BTU's / Metabolism Study / C3H8, e-, NaCl

13. 5223 641

14. A solipsist wave/the solipsist particle (captured light)

15. Abgeshiedenheit #7

16. Accumulation (for Robert Shimshak)

17. Action Remembered

18. African Rule OK #1

19. Aggregate

20. Agnes Martin: Paintings and Drawings 1974-1990

21. Alias (Inwedning)

22. Alistair Fate

23. All

24. American Myth Vessel No. 2: The Reagan E.T. Funerary Urn

25. An Anagrammiste Atteint de Palilalie

26. Anita was in this soft onion...

27. Anne Sharp, small photocopied image of Marilyn Monroe

28. Antennae

29. Applause Is Not Enough

30. Apple Pie

31. April 1990 Calendar (The Perfect Thought)

32. Archie takes a shower, Robin peeps in

33. Arshile Gorky (via Urban Neininger), staple remover

34. Arum with Berries

35. Ashes of the Heart

36. At Last! Museums Will No Longer Discriminate Against Women and Minority Artists

37. B.C. Series, October 16, 1990

38. B.C. Series, October 2, 1990

39. B.C. Series, September 29, 1990

40. BIll Martin, letter and lithograph

41. BLAST: The Spatial Drive

42. Ball Contained

43. Bananas

44. Bar-min-ski Consumer Product

45. Beauty Parlor (2)

46. Before & After Frankenstein: The Woman Who Knew Too Much: Spectre and Emanation

47. Before I Forget (Livre d'artiste)

48. Being Exposed, #41

49. Ben's Fluxus Newsletter from Hague PTT Museum

50. Berkeley Conference Center