2381. Before I Forget (Livre d'artiste) Artist: Bukovnik, Gary; McDonaugh, Michael Classification: Print Materials: lithograph ink on paper and text Dimensions: 8 1/2 x 11 in. Accession Number: 1994.3
2382. Before Thunder Storm, Tuolumn (sic) Meadow, High Sierra, Calif., U.S.A., from World Landscape Series: America Artist: Obata, Chiura; Takamizawa Classification: Print Materials: Color woodcut (empty folio) Dimensions: Folio: 21 x 16 3/4 in. Accession Number: UC.1012.b
2383. Before Thunder Storm, Tuolumn (sic) Meadow, High Sierra, Calif., U.S.A., from World Landscape Series: America Artist: Obata, Chiura; Takamizawa Classification: Print Materials: Color woodcut Dimensions: Print: 13 x 18 in. Accession Number: UC.1012.a
2384. Before the Battle #2 Artist: Brown, Joan Classification: Painting Materials: oil on canvas Dimensions: 60 x 48 in. Accession Number: 1968.39
2385. Before the Caves Artist: Frankenthaler, Helen Classification: Painting Materials: oil on canvas Dimensions: 102 3/8 x 104 3/8 in. Accession Number: 1966.63
2386. Before the Rain, Mono Lake, High Sierra, U.S.A., from World Landscape Series: America Artist: Obata, Chiura; Takamizawa Classification: Print Materials: Color woodcut Dimensions: sheet: 13 x 18 in. Accession Number: UC.1031.a
2387. Before the Rain, Mono Lake, High Sierra, U.S.A., from World Landscape Series: America Artist: Obata, Chiura; Takamizawa Classification: Print Materials: Color woodcut (empty folio) Dimensions: folio: 21 x 16 1.2 in. Accession Number: UC.1031.b
2388. Before the Senate (Vor dem Senat), part of Othello Portfolio Artist: Meid, Hans Classification: Print Materials: etching Dimensions: sheet: 12 3/8 x 16 5/8 in. Accession Number: 1970.31.2
2389. Before, After, House of the Century (Ant Farm Timeline) Artist: Ant Farm Classification: Work on paper Materials: magazine page on paper Dimensions: sheet: 11 x 8 1/2 in. Accession Number: 2005.14.1.40
2390. Before/After (Media Burn Studies and Sketches folder) Artist: Ant Farm Classification: Work on paper Materials: graphite, blue, green, orange and pink colored pencil, and green and orange marker on paper, two-sided Dimensions: 9 x 12 in. (irreg.) Accession Number: 2005.14.284.17