851. A Ble W ail Artist: Cha, Theresa Hak Kyung Classification: Mixed media Materials: stenciled letters in black ink on burlap Dimensions: 7 1/2 x 22 in. Accession Number: 1992.4.37
852. A Ble Wail, performed at Worth Ryder Gallery, University of California, Berkeley Artist: Cha, Theresa Hak Kyung Classification: Documentation Materials: 28 black-and-white photographs and typewritten text on paper Dimensions: sheet: 11 1/2 x 8 1/4 in. Accession Number: 1992.4.32.1-29
853. A Book About Love & War & Death: Canto One (A Great Bear Pamphlet) Artist: Higgins, Dick Classification: Artist's book Materials: offset printing on grey paper, staple bound, sixteen pages Dimensions: 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 in. Accession Number: 1994.5.73
854. A Book of Instants. 1970. Publisher: Mary-Leigh Smart. Artist: Cook, Christopher Classification: Artist's book Materials: Artist's book. Wrappers. Staple bound. Unpaginated. Dimensions: 7 3/4 x 5 3/4 in. Accession Number: 1995.46.138
855. A Boring Drawing '63–'69 Artist: Lozano, Lee Classification: Print Materials: Lithograph, ed. 66/100 Dimensions: 20 x 25 3/4 in. Accession Number: 2014.53.155
856. A Budding Gourmet Artist: Rosler, Martha Classification: Video Materials: Video: 17:45 minutes, black and white, sound Accession Number: 2010.30
857. A Budding Gourmet (Food Novel 1), McTowers Maid (Food Novel 2), Tijuana Maid (Food Novel 4), and Service: A Trilogy on Colonization Artist: Rosler, Martha Classification: Artist's book Materials: Three serialized novels mailed as postcard sets, and artist's book Dimensions: Budding Gourmet (12 postcards): 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 in. (each) Accession Number: 2014.53.185
858. A Bull in the Ring Artist: Oliveira, Nathan Classification: Print Materials: Monotype Dimensions: 10 3/4 x 13 3/4 in. Accession Number: 2009.25.1
859. A CALL FOR PROPOSALS. The Washington Project for the Arts, Washington, D.C. 1983. Artist: The Washington Project for the Arts Classification: Work on paper Materials: Announcement card. Printed black on white card stock. Printed on both sides. Dimensions: 5 x 7 1/2 in. Accession Number: 1995.46.15.50
860. A Calculation of the Remainder Artist: Rapoport, Sonya Classification: Artist's book Materials: Artist's book; photocopy with hand-coloring bound with plastic spine and cover Dimensions: Frame: 11 3/4 x 8 3/4 in. Accession Number: 2019.77