Evening Glow of Lyell Fork, Tuolumn (sic), High Sierra, Calif., U.S.A., from World Landscape Series: America
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More Works by Obata, Chiura; Takamizawa
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Obata, Chiura; TakamizawaLive and Death, Porcupine Flat, High Sierra, Calif., U.S.A., from World Landscape Series: America(1930)
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Obata, Chiura; TakamizawaGreat Nature: Night Ferry, Storm on Lyell Mt., Jhonson (sic) Peak, High Sierra, Calif., U.S.A., from World Landscape Series: America(1930)
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Obata, Chiura; TakamizawaEntrance of Masedo River, Yosemite, Calif., U.S.A., from World Landscape Series: America(1930)
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