- A black and white film negative.1
- A black and white photocopy. (3 copies)1
- A black and white photograph. Typewritten text on paper is taped to the photograph.1
- A black and white polaroid1
- A black binder with plastic sleeves. The sleeves alternate between photocopied text and mounted black and white photographs. 11 sleeves.1
- A broadside. Printed black on white paper. Reproduced on the cover is a photograph of a ship. (8 copies).1
- A clear glass jar with lid containing 5 pieces of paper with type-written text and black string.1
- A strip of color negatives. 10 images.1
- Acrylic and black pen on paper.1
- Allman, Paul. "Art Who? Young artists publicity hungry?". Weekend Vistas. Friday, July 14, 1978. Newspaper article. Photocopy. (12 copies)1
- Ampex 361 C90. Audio cassette. 15 minutes approximately.1
- Ampex 90. Audio cassette. 45 minutes. (Also digital file)1
- An agreement/ contract between Theresa Cha and Tanam Press, NY NY. Typewritten text on paper. Handwritten additions in black pen. 3 pages.1
- Announcement card. Printed black on white card stock.1
- Announcement. Photocopy. (2 copies)1
- Anthology Video Program. Anthology Film Archives. Announcement. Flyer. Printed black on white paper.1
- Application Guidelines for 1982 and 1983/84. Soft bound. Postal receipts. 2 Application Acknowledgment Cards. Individ Grant Application.1
- Application form with handwritten additions in black pen. 4 pages. Report on candidate for fellowship. Photocopy. 3 pages. (2 copies). Booklet.1
- Art in America. April 1985. Magazine article. Photocopy. 2 pages. (4 copies)1
- Artist's book. 4 sheets of graph paper with black press type. Folded.1