- ink and typewritten text on yellow paper (carbon copy), two-hole punched3
- typewritten text on yellow paper, two-hole punched3
- Hand-colored etching2
- Holographic letter. Draft copy. Blue ball point pen on white lined paper.2
- Letter. Carbon copy. Black typescript on white paper.2
- Letter. Carbon copy. Printed black on MOCA stationery. 2 pages.2
- Letter. Carbon copy. Printed black on white paper. 2 pages.2
- Video tape.2
- carbon copy2
- graphite on paper2
- ink and typewritten text on paper (carbon copy), two-hole punched2
- offset printing on paper, two copies2
- photocopy2
- typewritten text on Richmond Art Center stationery, two-hole punched2
- typewritten text on paper2
- 2 letters and 1 resume. Corner stapled. #1: Carbon copy. Printed black on yellow paper. #2 and resume: Black typescript on white paper.1
- 2 letters. #1: Carbon copy. Printed black on yellow paper. #2: black typescript on Corvallis Arts Center stationery.1
- 2 letters. Corner stapled. #1: Carbon copy. Printed black on yellow paper. #2: Black typescript on Milwaukee Art Center stationery.1
- 2 letters on 1 paper. Blue ball point pen and black typescript on Richmond Art Center stationery.1
- 2 letters. #1: Black typescript on whitepaper. #2: Carbon copy. Printed black on yellow paper.1