- Letter. Rough draft. Carbon copy. Printed black on MOCA stationery.1
- Performance agreement. Photocopy. Corner stapled. Printed black on white paper. 3 pages.1
- Personnel action form. Black typescript and blue ball point pen on photocopy. 3 rubber stamps.1
- Photocopy of letter. Printed black on white paper.1
- Photocopy of holographic letter. Printed black on white paper. 2 pages.1
- Photocopy. Corner stapled. Printed black on white paper. Unpaginated. 2 pages.1
- Photocopy. Printed black on white paper with blue ball point pen additions.1
- Photocopy. Printed black on white paper.1
- Photocopy. Printed black on white paper. Unpaginated. 2 pages.1
- Poster: offset printing in brown ink on paper1
- Resume. Carbon copy. Printed black on white paper.1
- Statement / report. Carbon copy. Printed black on white paper.1
- Statement and photocopy. Statement: Black typescript and graphite on white paper. Photocopy: Printed black on white paper.1
- Tax form. Black ball point pen on tax form.1
- Video cassette tape (23:11 min.)1
- Video cassette tape.1
- Video cassette tape. B/w.1
- Wood and rubber1
- a-c: black-and-white 35mm negatives d: blue ink, marker, and offset printing on envelope1
- a-c: graphite and ink on white and tan paper1