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- Aluminum1
- Bronze1
- Cardboard box contains 2 brushes, 42 acrylic pigments, 11 x 14 inch printed canvas template, printed paper template and 4 x 5-7/8 inch color photograph1
- Copper-clad circuit board material1
- Encaustic on wood, box containing 2 fingers1
- Four brown paper bags with offset lithography in blue ink1
- Ink on paper with 2 slides taped to surface1
- Painted aluminum1
- Sculpture; white plate with 4 rectangular magnets and gold-colored chain.1
- a: cardboard box with offset printing on labels b: black magnet c: red magnet1
- five wooden matches (used), and felt tip pen on paper, two-sided1
- mixed media1
- mixed media (wooden box containing three wishbones in various materials)1
- mixed media assemblage1
- papier mâché1
- tin can with offset printing on label1