Evening Scene at Shijo on the Kamo River
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More Works by Soken, Yamaguchi
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Soken, YamaguchiEvening Scene at Shijo on the Kamo River(1775-1818)
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Buncho, Tani; Baitei, Ki no; Ganku, Saeki; Hosui, Gan no; Gesso; Kinkoku, Yokoi; Soken, Yamaguchi; Unsen, Kushiro; Fuyo, Suzuki; Gessen, Tan-ke; Zaichu, HaraAlbum of Paintings: Evening landscape; Lion dancer and musicians; Toad; Boy and Tortoise; People disembarking from boat near village; River scene; Goose; Autumn landscape; Woodcutter in landscape; Man in boat on river; Mountain peaks(1734-1834)
Soken, YamaguchiMatsuri (Festival)(1774-1818)
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